Saturday, December 11, 2010

almost christmas

Thankgod with live in the great white north..becasuae without the would just suck so bad...i would miss my family even more....It is so hard. But I am learning to my age I should get used to it....I am done all my shopping...have I done enough...of course I I want to d more....Of course I do...I want to buy tons more but money tells me no. I amsure everyone will be really happy with their gifts. I am thinking...wellno..I know that as soon as christmas and new years is over I am going to have to get a job. Sitting on my ass is not as appealing as I thought it woudl be...and I am afraid my ass is going to get way too it is. Mj is doing okay but I am afraid of her hips and kills me that she is so sore and I dont knwo what to do fr her... Anythow I dont have alot to say...I hope to post more often after christmas....i wish i could make this blog a little mor colourful...this is really boring...

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