Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well its nice to have somewhere to ventso i have decided that here is better than nothing....its December 1st tomorrow....all my family christmas shopping is done...i have bits and pieces i want to do for mike...i am stressed right now...i wish i could relax but my son is drivng me nuts..he wants to quit his job and work for jordan....he has done that is not a good thing though...they dont work well together...they are really good friends..but jordan can be a real jerk fora boss...not intenionally...he is such a hard worker...and the work is really isnt what rick is used to..he can work hard...but i dont knwo if he will ever meet jordans expectations...i know i shouldnt worry..but i dont knwo how not to. i dont know how to be just mom....and not worry so do I say Okay honey...thats a good know what you are doing. I AM A CRONIC WORRIER...I CANT put this on facebook because my mother is also a cronic i just want to keep this to myself...and any other poor person who accidentally sees this. living up here sucks...well it doesnt is an amazing thing..but what do i do if rick cant afford to pay his rent...this is crazy
i wish i wish i wish....that i didnt have to wish so much..that he would quit smoking pot...and work harder and be happy...i wish he was content with what he is doing
wellt hats it for today
i am going to bed

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